Robin Williams the much-loved Hollywood comedian and actor. An animated and prolific performer, Williams was known for colourful and thoughtful personality. With more than 100-acting roles and charismatic personality out of character, the actor touched fans with his word. The 63-year old Oscar-winning star had a memorable career in television and film, including in the hit comedy "Good morning" and "one-liners". The death of Robin Williams silenced one of Hollywood's most famous voice. Keep Williams spirit alive through some of his most memorable quotes that capture his powerful voice both on-screen and off........
1. Never fight with an ugly person,
they have got nothing to lose.
~ Robin Williams
2. You will have bad times,
but they will always wake you up
to the stuff you weren't
paying attention to.
~ Robin Williams
3. You must strive to find your own
voice because the longer you wait to begin, the less likely you are to find it at all.
~ Robin Williams
4. There is still a lot to learn and there is always great stuff out there. Even mistakes can be wonderful.
~ Robin Williams
5. The real loss is only possible
when you love something more
than you love yourself.
~ Robin Williams
6. No matter what people tell you,
words and ideas can change the world.
~ Robin Williams
7. If it's the psychic network
why do they need a
phone number?
~ Robin Williams
8. All it takes is
A beautiful fake smile to hide
an injured soul and they will
never notice how broken
you really are!
~ Robin Williams
9. You know, you get that tattoo
of barbed wire when you're 18, but
by the time you're 80, it's
a picket fence.
~ Robin Williams
10. My battles with addiction
definitely shaped how I am now.
They really made me deeply appreciate human contact. And the value of friends and family,
how precious that is.
~ Robin Williams
11. Cocaine is God's way of saying
you're making too much money.
~ Robin Williams
12. Ah, yes, divorce......from the
Latin word meaning to rip out a man's
genitals through his wallet.
~ Robin Williams
13. The Second Amendment
says we have the right to bear arms,
not to bear artillery.
~ Robin Williams
14. Do you think God gets stoned?
I think so......look at the Platypus.
~ Robin Williams
15. Why do they call it rush hour
when nothing moves?
~ Robin Williams
16. Reality is just a crutch for people
who can't cope with drugs?
~ Robin Williams
17. In England, if you commit a crime,
the police don't have a gun and you
don't have a gun. If you commit a crime,
the police will say, "stop, or
I'll say stop again."
~ Robin Williams
18. Death is nature's way
of speaking, "your table is ready.
~ Robin Williams
19. A woman would never make
a nuclear bomb. They would never make
a weapon that kills. They'd make
a weapon that makes you
feel bad for a while.
~ Robin Williams
20. The French have a bomb, too.
The Michelin Bomb-only destroys
restaurants under four stars.
~ Robin Williams
21. People say satire is dead.
It is no death, it's alive and living
in the white house.
~ Robin Williams
22. Gentiles are people who
eat mayonnaise for no reason.
~ Robin Williams
23. Comedy is acting out optimism.
~ Robin Williams
24. The worst thing in life is
not to end up all alone. The worst thing
in life is to end up with people
who make you feel alone.
~ Robin Williams
25. Even fool seem smart when they are quiet.
~ Robin Williams
26. Spring is nature's way of saying. Let's party.
~ Robin Williams
27. I always thought the idea
of education was to learn to
think for yourself.
~ Robin Williams
28. What some folks call, "impossible"
is just stuff they haven't seen before.
~ Robin Williams
29. Happiness can be found,
even in the darkest of times,
if one only remembers to
turn on the light.
~ Robin Williams
30. I stand upon my desk
to remind me that we must
constantly look at things
in a different way.
~ Robin Williams
31. Time is the best teacher,
but unfortunately, it kills all
of its student.
~ Robin Williams
32. I try to make sense of things,
which is why, I guess, I believe in destiny.
There must be a reason that I am as I am.
There must be.
~ Robin Williams
33. Now I want you to take care of everything
that's smaller than you.
~ Robin Williams
34. When in doubt, go for the dick joke.
~ Robin Williams
35. Seize the day. Because
believe it or not, each and every one of us
in this room is one day going to stop
breathing, turn cold and die.
~ Robin Williams
36. I wish you know how amazing
and worthy and life-giving you are.
~ Robin Williams
37. A whole human life is just a heartbeat here in heaven. Then we'll all be together forever.
~ Robin Williams
38. The language was invented for one reason,
boys-to woo women.
~ Robin Williams
39. If women ran the world
we wouldn't have wars, just intense
negotiations every 28 days.
~ Robin Williams
40. God gave men both a penis and
a brain, but unfortunately not enough
blood supply to run both
at the same time.
~ Robin Williams
41. We had gay burglars the other night.
They broke in and rearranged the furniture.
~ Robin Williams
42. My God. We've had cloning in the South for years. It's called cousins.
~ Robin Williams
43. Politics: "Poli"
a Latin word meaning "Many"; and "Tics"
meaning "bloodsucking creatures."
~ Robin Williams
44. I'm sorry if you were right,
I'd agree with you.
~ Robin Williams
45. The statue of liberty is no
longer saying, "give me your poor,
your tired, your huddled masses.
"she's got a baseball bad and yelling,
"you want a piece of me?"
~ Robin Williams
46. What's right is what's left if you do everything else wrong.
~ Robin Williams
47. I like my wine, I like my women-ready
to pass out.
~ Robin Williams
48. You could talk about
same-sex marriage, but people who
have been married (say) "it's the
same-sex all the time".
~ Robin Williams
49. You're only given a little spark of madness.
You mustn't lose it.
~ Robin Williams
50. You have this idea that you'd better
keep working otherwise people will forget.
And that was dangerous.
~ Robin Williams