50 Most Influential Self-Growth Quotes to unleash full potential!

man watering plant for growth

Are you passionate about personal growth? Are you someone who likes to learn and improve himself daily? If yes, then you are on the right path. Self-improvement is the foundation of a meaningful life. 

These inspirational self-growth quotes will help you see the amazing potential that life has to offer. There are a lot of things that can provide inspiration-seeing other accomplish great things, seeing other people overcome adversity, hearing inspirational quotes from great people, even the sheer beauty of nature can remind us just how actually we are to live. 

Whether you are stressed over something or feeling low and looking for some motivation and positivity in life, reading good books always helps. So if you are in search of such books that will guide you the best, here is a list of some amazing work you must consider reading... Best Self-Help Books Of All Times

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Here are 50 Best Self-Improvement Quotes to Boost your Personal Growth.

smiling-blond girl pointing their fingers below

1. If you're searching for that one person that
Will change your life, take
A look in the MIRROR.
~ Ernest Holmes

2. If you care what people think, you
Will always be there 
~ Lao Tzu 

3. It is not what you are that holds you
Back. It is what you think
You are not.
~Denis Waitley

4. You cannot dream yourself into a character; 
You must hammer and forge yourself one.
~ Henery David Thoreau

5. Personal development is a major time saver. 
The better you become, the less time it takes 
You to achieve your goals.
~ Brian Tracy

6. No one can make you feel Inferior
Without your Consent.
~ Eleanor Roosevelt

7. Investing in yourself is the best investment you will ever make. 
It will not only improve your life, but it will also improve 
the lives of all those around you.
~ Robin Sharma

8. To be beautiful means to be yourself.
You don't need to be accepted by Others.
You need to accept Yourself.
~ Thick Nhat Hanh 

9. Most people are mirror people. 
They only reflect how others treat them. 
Be a flashlight person and always 
Shine no matter what.
~ Salen Abraham

10. A Bird sitting on a tree is never afraid
Of the branch breaking, because her 
Trust is not in the branch but
On its own WINGS.
~ Charlie Wardle 

11. Champions the right to be yourself; 
Dare to be different and to set your own patterns; 
Live your own life and follow your own star.
 ~ Wilferd Peterson

12. LIFE is like a game of chess. 
To win you have to make a move. Knowing which Move
 To make cameos with insight and knowledge,
 And by learning The lesson that is calculated 
 Calculated along the way.
~ Allan Rufus

13. What you think yourself is much 
More important than what people 
~ Seneca 

14. Whoever is trying to bring you down,
Is already below you.
~ Ziad K. Abdelnour

15. Don't be satisfied with stories, how things have gone with others. 
Unfold your own Myth.
~ Rumi

16. Always stay true to your own values, Don't be influenced by others.
~ Catherine and Byron Publisher

17. You are essentially who you create yourself 
To be and all that to occur in your life is the result
 Of your own making.
~ Stephen Richards

18. Don't listen to negative influences.
Believe in yourself, and show others
What you can do. Only "you"
Can find your potential.
~ Marla Runyan

19. People who repeatedly attack your
Confidence and self-esteem are quite aware 
of your potential even if you are not.
~ Wayne Gerard Trotman

20. We are so accustomed to the comforts of
"I cannot", "I do not want to", and "It is too difficult" that we forget
to realize when we stop doing things for ourselves and expect
others to dance around us, we are not achieving greatness.
We have made ourselves weak.
~ Pandora Poikilos

21. Your life is your spiritual path.
It's what's right in front of you. You can't live anyone else's life.
The task is to live yours and stop trying to copy one
you think looks better.
~ Sandy Nathan

22. What you do Today can improve All your Tomorrow.
~ Ralph Marston

Can only be shot by pulling it backwards. 
So when life is dragging you back with difficulties  
It means that it's going to launch you into
 Something great.
~ Paulo Coelho

24. The best day of your life is the one on which you decide
your life is your own. No apologies or excuses. No one to lean on,
rely on, or blame. The gift is yours---it is an amazing
journey---and you alone are responsible for the quality of it.
This is the day your life really begins.
Bob Moawad

25. Develop success from failures. 
Discouragement and failure are two of the surest 
Stepping stones to success.
~ Dael Carnegie

26. Formal education will make you a living;
self-education will make you a fortune.
~ Jim Rohn

27. Don't let others define you.  Don't let the past confine you
Take charge of your life with confidence 
And determination and there are no limits
 On what you can do or be. 
~ Michael Josephson

28. You can't start the next chapter of your life.
If you keep re-reading the last one. 
~ Dr Wayne W. Dyer   

29.  Don't change so people will like you.
Be yourself and the right people 
~ Orakei Houtarao 

30. The PESSIMIST complains about the winds, 
The OPTIMIST expects it to change; 
The REALIST adjusts the sails.
~ William Arthur Ward

31. Accept no one's definition of your life. Define yourself.
~ Harney Fierstein

32. Explain your anger, don't express it
And you will immediately open the door 
to solutions instead of arguments.
~ Joubert Botha

33. Don't try to understand everything. 
Sometimes it is not meant to be understood, 
Just accepted.
~ Sourav Das

34. What you think you BECOME: 
What you feel you ATTRACT. 
What you IMAGINE
~ Buddha

35. He who is not everyday conquering
 Some fear has not learned the 
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

36. Always be yourself, express yourself, 
Have faith in yourself, do not go out and look for 
A successful personality and duplicate it.
~ Bruce Lee

37. The way to gain a good reputation 
Is to endeavour to be what 
You desire to appear.
~ Socrates

38. Life is a series of problem-solving opportunities. 
The problems you face will either defeat you or develop you 
depending on how you respond to them.
~ James Oppenheim

39. There is no meaning to life 
Except for the meaning man gives 
Of his powers.
~ Eric Fromm

40. It makes no sense to worry about things you have no control over
because there's nothing you can do about them. And why worry
about things you do control? The activity of worrying
keeps you immobilized.
~Wayne Dyer

41. The first principle is that you 
Must not for yourself and you are the 
The easiest person to fools.
~ Richard P. Feynman.

42. Do not mind anything that 
Anyone tells you about anyone else 
Judge everyone and everything
 For yourself.  
~ Henry James

43. You cannot change your 
Destination overnight, but you can change
 Your direction overnight.
~ Jim Rohn

44. There are two ways of spreading light: 
To be the candle or the mirror 
That reflects it.
~ Edith Wharton

45. Surround your mind with healthy thoughts, thoughts of faith,
and not fear, and you will produce faith results
instead of fear results.
~ Brian Tracy

46. A farmer who waits for the perfect weather never plant.
 If they watch every cloud, They never harvest.  
~ Ecclesiastes 11:4

47. The only person you should ever compare yourself
 to is the only one you used to be.
~ Amy Morin

48. You can't go back and change the beginning,
but you can start where you are
and change the ending.
~ C.S. Lewis
49. Don't be afraid of change. 
 You may end up losing something good, 
But you will probably end up 
Gaining something better.
~ Dr Bilal Philips

50. Accept responsibility for your life. 
Know that it is you who will get you 
Where you want to go, 
No one else.
~ Les Brown

Choose one these quotes that inspire you the most and write it down, post it at your desk and share with your friends! One of the best ways to keep your mind on achieving your goals is to keep visual reminders of what you're working toward all around you.